Our Audiences
Corporate Executives
Companies with foresight tend to outperform those that rely on hind sight. It continues to be among the most fascinating of challenges, especially following several relatively robust decades and the last all-out run for global growth we just experienced.
While Walther Partners is well-known among many lawyers, few are aware of the breadth of capabilities we offer that support a variety of legal practices, including M&A, litigation, corporate governance and investigations, e-discovery, fraud and corporate turnaround and bankruptcy. Our goal is to help you achieve the best possible outcome for your clients in any area.
Creditors & Lenders
Lenders have to get it right, whether “it” is your own internal efficiency or your ability to negotiate through the ever-changing landscape. Creditors face customers whose business outlook is precarious, an environment offering virtually no financing options, and yet more uncertainty stemming from evolving insolvency laws across the globe.